Unfortunately, most of us know someone who is going through a difficult time. Perhaps they are recovering from surgery, dealing with a long term illness or caring for an ailing family member. Sometimes it can be hard to know how to help. One concrete contribution you can make is to provide a meal at a time when they might not have the time or energy to prepare something for themselves.
mealTrain.com is a website that offers a way to coordinate the giving and receiving of meals so that recipients can receive meals on days when they need them the most and even share some of their food preferences. Posting the meals on a calendar not only prevents the recipients from dealing with ten casseroles at one time…it can remind us that many times the need for support lasts longer than those first few days after a return home from the hospital or a difficult diagnosis. It also makes it easy to share the cause with others who might want to help. Break out your recipes and help a friend!
Have you used mealTrain.com? Do you have a favorite recipe that you have given or received? We’d love to hear from you in the comments section!