Whenever I hear the term photographic memory, I think back to the days I would compete in spelling bees. If a word would stump me, I could shut my eyes and see the word on the page. I would spell it and go on to the next round. I won every bee I was in.
Today, the phrase reminds me of the photos I took that were destroyed when my home burned in 1998. Whenever I think of loved ones that are no longer with us, I simply do the same that I did back then. I shut my eyes and remember them in my favorite photo.
My niece Karen is my first thought, always. I can see her as a toddler, in a white t-shirt and little yellow shorts, her hair falling in curls down her back with a little yellow ribbon. She was staring up at grandpa with the same adoring eyes that my daughter, Andrea, had for him until the day he died. I remember the animals we had and all the pictures that I took of them. I think of my mom and dad sitting on the patio with my brothers lined up next to them. They were all so young and I wasn’t even around, yet. Such beautiful memories only enjoyed in the back of my mind. I only wish I could have passed them down for others in my family to enjoy. This is the reason I became a photographer. To record beautiful things and memorable days for all to enjoy. I have been so lucky to have lived a life full of joy as a child. As a young adult I grew enchanted with music, learning so much and loving radio as a way of life. I had such wonderful mentors there. I met so many talented and fascinating people. I regret leaving but life twists and turns so often that you don’t realize what you have until it is gone. Once again, the photographic memory kicks in. The people and places I have seen will be ingrained in my heart forever.
Those who took the ride with me, hopefully, will always remember the fun and the photos that we took all those years ago. I know that I will never forget. Whether they be on paper, on file, or only living in the back of my mind, I am so grateful that they existed, and I was fortunate enough to be able to have seen them.
I am blessed.
From the editors of OneLegacy: Check out this site to test your photographic memory http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/do-you-have-a-photographic-memory/