Share A Story With One Legacy
Would you like to share a story with One Legacy? Great!
The easiest way to share a story with us is to first write your story with your favorite word processor and save it. It doesn’t matter what word processor you use or what file type you save your story in.
Do you have pictures that you would like to add to your story? That is AWESOME. After all “a picture says a thousand words.” Be sure that the picture(s) you want to include in your story are saved in either .jpeg or .png format. These are the only image formats that we accept.
After you have your story written and your images saved, then all you need to do is email them to us. Just click on the email button below and your default email program will open with the “To” field and the “subject” field filled out. Attach your file(s) to the email and push your send button.
A member of our editorial staff will notify you that your story has been received. They will then prepare your story for publication on our website. If they have any questions or concerns regarding your story, they will contact you before making edits. Otherwise they are mainly editing spelling errors. Our goal is to keep your story in your own words.
Once the editing of your story is complete, it will be sent to our webmaster for publication on our website. Our webmaster will notify you when your story is published on our website.