One Legacy Shared Stories

Below you will find a complete list of all the categories we have for the stories that have been shared with One Legacy.

When you see a category that you are interested in, click on the category name, and you will be taken to a page with all the stories in that category.

If you are wondering what each category is about, hover over the question mark beside each category to see the description for that category.

Some stories are in multiple categories so you may see the same story in different categories.


Battling Illness When battling illnesses, we often find strength we never knew we had. Our writers’ find strength from family, friends, and faith during these difficult times. Read inspiring stories from our members about their courageous battles with illness.

Caregivers & Other Heroes Caregivers inspire us through their dedication and selflessness. Browse our full collection of stories about these people who give so much of themselves in care of others, as well as other heroes who inspire us.

Community Leaders Stories from community leaders.

Family History Stories are a powerful way to share and pass down the legacy of our family members. In our Family History category, you can find everything from family tales that have been passed down for generations to new stories about family members that impacted our writers’ lives.

Guided Story Sharing You never know what stories are going to come to light during a One Legacy Guided Story session. Here you will find stories that come out of these events.


Loss/Death Losing a loved one can be the most difficult time in our lives. These stories reflect on the memories of those who we have lost and the ways we grow because of their influence on our lives.

Marriage Marriage is a powerful bond that joins together two families to continue their legacy. Our writers share special stories about both their own marriages and other marriages that have influenced their lives.

Military Whether it’s your personal experience or grandpa’s old war stories, many of us have military stories that are close to our hearts. View military stories that have been submitted by our writers.

One Legacy News One Legacy staff members share the latest news and stories about what is happening behind the scenes and in the community.

Overcoming Challenges How we deal with the challenges life presents us defines who we are. Read stories of how our writers persevered to overcome difficult challenges.



Pet Legacies Beloved pets can leave a lasting mark on our lives. Read stories from our writers about their favorite fluffy friends.

Recipes Family recipes are a great (and delicious!) way of passing a tradition from one generation to the next. Browse recipes from our members or share your own.

Spiritual Legacies Spiritual stories can take us outside the day-to-day and help us to focus and connect with the world. Read or share your own experience.

Sports & Hobbies Sports and hobbies allow us to connect with other people. Share a story about your favorite hobby or read stories from our members.

Stories by Kids Sometimes the most powerful stories come from unexpected sources. Read our collection of stories written by kids.



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