It’s Personal!

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Submitted by: Tim Dunn

I can still remember the first time I got a new baseball glove. My dad took me to a place called Van Leunens and I got to pick out my first mitt. Brand new. Never been used.
I had joined a team called “The New Richmond Red Devils.” Though the name was not befitting the grandson of a preacher, the team itself was extremely good. I can vividly remember sitting on the bench, high-fiving the guys who were making the plays, getting the hits, scoring the runs. When would it be my turn? When would I be able to show what I can do? When would I put my new glove to work?

Do you ever feel like you have been relegated to the “bench,” waiting for God to call your number, to share your faith, to tell your story? I think being called into God’s “game” is a lot more common occurrence then we make it out to be.

In 1 Peter 3:15, it says God has called each of us to “always be ready to give an answer for the hope we have…” It really is a personal battle cry for me and my family to help share our faith with those around us and we hope that it will be yours as well.

This passage can motivate each and every one of us to understand that God is calling us off the bench daily! Each time you see a neighbor hurting or in need, every phone call that you know will require a little extra grace as you speak to that person, each time you look into the eyes of your spouse or kids and encourage them with the words of God—all of these are opportunities, and God is wanting to use you to speak and share why you have “the hope.”

Something you can take from this is the phrase, “Go where you are told, be ready to share, speak boldly when possible.” If you are looking to put your faith into action, burn that phrase into your mind, because this is something you can do EVERY SINGLE DAY. If you feel God is telling you go “NOW!,” then by all means listen.

Those moments when God speaks seem to be heard when we turn off the noise around us and listen. He will guide you, if you let him. “Be ready to share.” It is crucial that we spend time in God’s Word and in prayer, making sure we are ready. Spend time acknowledging that God is in control, we are his vessels, and that we need to make ourselves spiritually ready to share.

Finally, “speak boldly when possible.” What do we have to lose when we share our faith? Speaking boldly about God is refreshing to the unbeliever and those that are down in their faith. We need to be the ones sharing boldly when we can.

“Dunn,” yelled the coach, “Get in there.” It was my chance, my opportunity to show what I could do—and I was ready, glove in hand!

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