One Legacy® is dedicated to the art of collecting stories. It’s simple, secure and personally rewarding. We’re proud to announce our new summertime event called “Celebrating Seniors and Caregivers”, where we offer selected free services and discounted Legacy Sharing programs to help families and groups collect those amazing stories from loved ones.
We are very excited to offer this program to those families who realize how important it is to collect the special memories and stories to share with future generations. Why is this so important to me? My dad passed away in December last year. He was a World War II veteran and also a survivor of the great depression. He and my mom being gone now reminds me that we are rapidly losing a generation of people that survived the most difficult times, fought wars, and provided many of the things that we take for granted today.
We honor all the wonderful seniors who have stories, and lessons, to share with future generations. I personally have had the pleasure of visiting almost 50 senior communities in the St. Louis area. It has been the one of the best experiences of my lifetime to sit and chat with people who survived and thrived through very difficult times. The stories I’ve heard are amazing.
For the rest of this summer I’ll be sharing some great stories about my Dad. I invite you to share a story about, or from, a member of our greatest generation. Whether it be a parent, grandparent, or just a friend who has an experience that inspired them, we invite you to share it with the One Legacy community. I think you’ll be glad you did! We always appreciate when people submit a story to our website, we love it. But even if you aren’t able to share with us, I ask that you somehow begin saving the stories of your loved ones. It is so important. I’m already finding that stories from my parents are starting to fade away. So, make this the day you begin to save or share the stories. And don’t forget, One Legacy is here to help if you need us!
My Best,
Mike Stith
Founder – One Legacy®